Do you thin this Taco Bell security guard was wrong for how he handled this incident?
A wild scene unfolded at a Taco Bell in downtown Los Angeles when a security guard was caught on video slapping a woman across the face after she refused to leave.
The viral footage of the incident captures the woman walking away from the guard, seemingly heading to a self-service kiosk to place her order. However, the male security guard followed closely behind before grabbing her arm and turning her to face him and delivering a hard slap that echoed through the restaurant. Reality TV star London “Delishis” Charles who appeared on the VH1 celebreality television show Flavor of Love season 2 shared a video of the altercation along with a caption demanding a call-to-action.
“@TacoBell we need answers???” Deelishis wrote. “The way this being slapped this woman is as if he has done it before and will do it again. We must demand that all public service employees of any and all levels, learn and exercise “proper conflict resolution” and “self control”. This was hard to watch but even worse, he may never be reprimanded for it tacobell #assault #publicrelations #BlackWoman.”
The New York Post reports that the shocking footage, which has since gone viral, left onlookers in disbelief.
“He slapped the s–t out of her. It was crazy. Everybody was shocked,” said Alejandro Sanchez, who filmed the incident and shared it with SWNS. “The security guard was telling her to leave, and she didn’t want to because she was ordering food. Then he just went off, and she started going crazy.”
After the slap, the woman clutched her face in shock as she moved to the other side of the restaurant. Despite the blow, the guard continued to pursue her, exchanging heated words under a television broadcasting the Super Bowl. Eventually, he escorted her out, but the tension lingered.
While the exact cause of the altercation remains unclear, Sanchez, a frequent visitor to that Taco Bell, noted that the restaurant is near Skid Row, an area known for a high number of transient individuals. He also claimed that Taco Bell employees seemed more focused on stopping him from filming than addressing the violence.
“They were more worried about me recording than the fact that their security just smacked someone,” he said, hinting that the guard’s actions might have been influenced by the woman’s appearance.